Central Texas Watercolor Society

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Member Sites
Monthly Program
Our Newsletter
Painting of Month
Painting of Year
Photo Gallery


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CTWS Membership Application Form Download (.pdf)

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Facebook Page
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About Us Information - Central Texas Watercolor Society - Waco, Texas


CTWS Mission Statement:

The society will develop the education of its members and sponsor exhibits to create public interest and better understanding of watercolor as a significant art form and permanent painting medium.


  Membership Benefits:
  • Only $35 annual dues (October 1 – September 30).
  • Receive Monthly CTWS newsletter by email.
  • Opportunity to attend regular meetings with guest instructors or paint-in meetings for $15 fee.
  • A free slide show featuring award-winning paintings from different regions and participation in a shared salad luncheon.
  • Entry in a drawing for art related prizes at monthly meetings.
  • Monthly critiques of member paintings submitted for Painting of the Month (POM). (No POM is available for December or meetings held out of town.)
  • Reduced fee for multi-day workshops.
  • Access to Logan mat cutter for preparation of mats and an over-sized light box.
  • Opportunity to display paintings in 4 annual exhibits, 2 at McLennan Community College and 2 at The Episcopal Church of the Holy Spirit.
If you would like to print, mail and download a membership application form, just click the following link:

CTWS Membership Application Form Download:

[ Membership Application (.pdf) ]


Meetings and Workshops: Unless otherwise notified, regular monthly meetings will be held at The Episcopal Church of the Holy Spirit, corner of Lake Haven and Wooded Acres in Waco (1624 Wooded Acres) at 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Social distance and wearing masks are Ok, and optional to be safe.

You may unload at the rear of the building, but please comply with the Church's request to park in the front parking lot.

Multi-day workshops may be held at The Episcopal Church of the Holy Spirit in Waco or To Be Announced and will begin at 9:00 a.m. and end at approximately 4:00 p.m. Our workrooms, at the Church, adjoin the kitchen where there is cold storage for sack lunches, a soft drink machine, and microwave. Social distance and wearing masks are Ok, and optional to be safe.

  History: On September 11, 1985, ten watercolorists met in the home of Dorothy Jester to organize a painting society. Those in attendance served as the first Board of Directors. They were: Dorothy Jester*, Louise Hall*, Wally Williams*, JoAnn McLeod, Mary Owen*, Sara Lane Dyche*, Virginia Naman*, Joyce Curtis, Peggy Smith, and Madalene Wilhelm*. *Deceased


Central Texas Watercolor Society
P.O. Box 24118
Waco, Texas 76702-4118

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