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CTWS February 2025 Monthly Program
Program: Waco Landmark Project, Ink & Wash - Artist: Sarah Pick
Day & Time: Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Location: Episcopal Church of the Holy Spirit, 1624 Wooded Acres, Waco,Tx
Members attending fee: $15.00
First time guests attending our meetings are Free and Welcome!
I will be leading an architectural project in our February meeting with the aim of
each of us completing a few 8x10 sketch and wash projects of Waco landmarks. If
you have a particular favorite landmark, please email any pictures you may have to
me ( at least one week prior to the meeting, so I can size the
picture appropriately and print for you. Any picture we include should be recognizable
as Waco (churches, silos, landmarks, court- house, statues, university, etc.)
However, you do NOT need to have a photo as I will bring an array of 8x10 photos
that I have taken for this project. We will also have a small practice project we will
paint together as a learning exercise.
Please bring:
• 3 or more 8x10 sized watercolor sheets (140# Professional quality). Cut to size
would be preferred.
• Graphite tracing paper OR just cover any tracing paper with pencil graphite on one
side and ensure it is at least 8 x 10.
• Your normal paints & supplies
• Ink sketch pen of choice (not water soluble)
• 1⁄2” wash brush (square)
For those of you who don’t know me, I started my adult life working for Caterpillar
for 16 years as a logistics engineer. I retired in 1991 and helped develop and run my
family’s Wedding Venue business remotely.
Of course, that left a little time to take on fun things like tennis, art, etc. I started
painting shortly after I moved to Waco just over 10 years ago and I really enjoy experi-
menting with watercolor platforms -- from fine art with detailed backgrounds to fun ink
and wash sketches and graphic art applica- tions. I love the flexibility and fresh poten-
tial of the transparent watercolor medium, including wet-on-wet, splashing, mopping,
texturizing and more. Watercolor provides so much opportunity to play.
In this architectural project, I hope to teach you how to ‘cheat’ a bit on the architectural
rendering so that the project is less daunting. Still, we will aim to stay loose with the
sketch and wash. If we are successful, I will attempt to organize an art collection
booklet we can print on Amazon. Keep those ink pens moving!
Sarah Pick - CTWS Monthly Program Chair Person
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For further
Central Texas Watercolor Society:
For further information:
Central Texas Watercolor Society:
Monthly Program:
Sarah Pick - Email:
Membership Contact:
Jamie Valigura - Email:
Lisa Koets - Email:
Greg Blancett - Email: